We currently use Go Cardless to handle our financial transactions as it easiest for our customers and offers the highest level of security .
After we have confirmed your delivery and provided you with a delivery date via Email. We will then ask Go Cardless for an authorisation to take direct debit payment's from our customers.
Go Cardless will email you a link to their payment Authorisation page.
To approve the payment, click the link and Complete go Cardless Secure checkout.
Once Authorised, we can then take the correct amount of payment from your bank account automatically for each delivery.
Go Cardless will notify you every time a new payment is taken.
Please Note : we will request for your payment a day before your delivery is due to be made.
Is Go Cardless safe
Yes. Go cardless Security is important. For further details please visit Go Cardless
Telephone : 07368 578349 E-mail: sales@simplyorganix.co.uk